This narrative drift seems to lead us to the conviction that it is necessary to create a public sphere in order to bring about the fulfilment of social desires in a city that is permanently and effervescently under construction. I explore the fractures, absences, deterritorialisations and slippages of the experiences that are recounted through a highly expressive gesturality that is full of cultural and identity references. Una caja de luz (A Box of Light) is about this idea of the need for cooperative collectivisation. Under the title "Asamblea nocturna" (Night Assembly), a conference room is shown once the event is over. Another light box entitled "Free Thinker" expands on the idea in relation to new communication technologies.
This narrative drift seems to lead us to the conviction that it is necessary to create a public sphere in order to bring about the fulfilment of social desires in a city that is permanently and effervescently under construction. I explore the fractures, absences, deterritorialisations and slippages of the experiences that are recounted through a highly expressive gesturality that is full of cultural and identity references. Una caja de luz (A Box of Light) is about this idea of the need for cooperative collectivisation. Under the title "Asamblea nocturna" (Night Assembly), a conference room is shown once the event is over. Another light box entitled "Free Thinker" expands on the idea in relation to new communication technologies.