Felipe Almendros

La exposición toma su nombre del Bar Ocaña, en la Plaza Real de Barcelona, centro de la vida nocturna de la ciudad. Felipe Almendros crea una serie de pinturas en las que, con pinceladas rápidas, impetuosas y ásperas, retrata los sujetos del Ocaña que captan su atención: aquellos sujetos que rezuman vida y libertad, con la cual el artista se identifica. Por esta razón, la obra de Felipe es absolutamente íntima, honesta y autobiográfica. ///ENG The exhibition take his name from the Bar Ocaña, in the Plaza Real of Barcelona, center of the nightlife of the city. Felipe Almendros, here, created a series of paintings in which, with fast, impetuous and rough brushstrokes, he portrays the Ocaña's subjects that capture his attention: those subjects that exude so much of the life in which the artist identifies himself. For this reason, Felipe’s work is absolutely intimate, honest and autobiographical.