Bruno Munari Poliscopio, 1974-2016 Edición abierta. metacrilato transparente, madera. Hecho a mano siguiendo la primera serie de 1974 12 x 50 x 12 n/a Price: 290 EUR
Anna Bella Geiger Catalog. Anna Bella Geiger, Gravuras em cor, galeria Bonino, 1973-1974 Catalog signed by Anna Bella Geiger PA"Gravures em cor", Bonino gallery, Rio de Janeiro 20 x 20 cm (Plegado) Price: 275 EUR
Judith Egger secret chapel, 2022 Case. 1 unique work, 1 catalogue, 1 piece of wallpaper, 5 photographs on Hahnemühle Büttenpaper 32.2 x 32.2 x 3.7 cm Price: 1.850 EUR
Judith Egger Field notes from the wild, 2019 Artist book. Installation. Photography, scratches, engarving, notes, gloves, texts & wooden shelf. Variable dimensions Variable measures Price: 1.500 EUR
Bruno Munari Il Miliardario della Fantasia, 1986 Edición de 200. Litografía sobre metal 20 x 17.5 cm Price: 2.000 EUR
Concha Jerez & José Iges Punto Singular, 1989-2016, 2016 Carpeta de artista. Impresiones intervenidas, DVD, CD y Partitura. 45 x 33 x 5 cm Price: 3.300 EUR